You do not pay team fees until after being confirmed to serve on a team. Payment is due at the first team meeting or can be paid online when you complete Team Check-in around that same time.
Team Fee is $185 Covers Room, Board, Supplies, Training
Serving on a Team Men's and women's teams are formed each summer and winter to lead Emmaus Walks in the spring and fall. The Lay Director and Team Selection Committee review the Team Applications on file for experience and contact information to invite potential team members. If you have not provided a team application for the committee in the last 18 months (keep it current) you should complete a new form , preferably the online version above.. It will save someone else transferring the data on your print version to the data file.
Serving behind the scenes on a weekend There are many tasks to be managed behind the scenes for a weekend including Agape, prayer, refreshments, set-up and clean-up, and special worship experiences. You should contact the Board member responsible for any area of interest you have directly. Complete a Christian Action Form and mail/ email it to the address on the form. This will provide the organizers the information they need to work with you.
Serving the Emmaus Community in General The Emmaus Community tries to maintain and grow the relationship with Christ and others experienced on the Emmaus Walk. The community gathers once a month alternating between locations at Asbury UMC in Harrisonburg and Toms Brook UMC in Toms Brook. Music leaders, worship assistants, set-up and clean-up teams and personal testimonies are needed for each Gathering. You should contact the Board member responsible for any area of interest you have directlly. Complete a Christian Action Form and mail/ email it to the address on the form. This will provide the organizers the information they need to work with you.
Serving Others Board of Directors Program Overview Database of Membership